Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Calm in Chaos" 11-13-07

"Calm in Chaos" 24"W x 32"L 2005 Del Thomas
I went to the Quilts on the Wall art quilt group on Saturday. I'm gone so much on weekends that I rarely am able to go the every-other-month meetings. But I try to participate as much as I am able. I have usually done the annual challenge which becomes a touring exhibit. I always send quilts off feeling that they don't live up to my expectations and once gone they are out-of-sight, out-of-mind. The Self Portrait Challenge quilts, having toured for two years, were returned to us Saturday and, as usual, I was surprised that I now actually like mine!! This quilt was made with the idea that I am usually calm in almost any circumstance, no matter what is going on around me. There I am with my arms folded (which people tell me I shouldn't do because it is intimidating), with my crooked shoulders and my old yellow hat, while everything is swirling about me. The Kansas Art Quilters to which I belong did a self portrait challenge several years ago, but that quilt depicts a different aspect of my character. I'll find a picture of that one to post one day soon. Posted by Picasa


Corky said...

As soon as the photo of this quilt popped up on the screen, I knew it was you! I'd know that person anywhere.

Del said...

Thanks, Corky! I didn't realize how much it looked like me until I received a couple e-mails from people who saw it in the traveling exhibit.

Christine Thresh said...

Gosh, that's a great quilt. I love it!
I keep going back and looking at it.