Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More Figs and SJBautista chickens 09-02-08

On the way home from Pacific Grove Mary and I stopped at the market in SJB to get veggies for dinner. Lucky me - they were selling very nice figs at $2.50/basket, the basket I selected held 21 small, but delicious figs. I may have to stop there in the morning to buy another basket.

When we got home I tried some arty fig photos - this is the one I think this is the best of about 24 shots. I have made an album of seven photos with different backgrounds which I will post if I can stay awake long enough to search out the URL! http://picasaweb.google.com/DELQLTS/FigsSJB090208?authkey=iYETdWn5P_s#

San Juan Bautista is known for it's chickens which run loose all over town, especially near the Mission. Apparently many of the chickens are named by the townspeople,
this cock with feathers on his feet is Bob.

This is one of two "girlfriends" he chases around with and rules.

Here is Bob with the other "girlfriend" and, as you see, Bob is a banty rooster and his gals are full grown regular hens. He must really be something to have such a deal, especially since there are so many very large, handsome cocks running around loose.

Like this colorful fella. I took seven pictures of him and didn't get a single one showing his face! Guess SJB roosters are camera shy.

I'll be heading home in the morning, so I can be there on Thursday to have my laptop checked out. I don't know if I can find a computer to borrow sometime in the evening, if not, I will blog again on Friday.
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dee said...

Very cool chickens!
Love the "figgy fotos"
Safe travels home.

Deb Lacativa said...

The colors I've picked for my next fling are right off this last chicken!
