Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Miscellaneous Stuff 12-16-09

I was astounded to learn a couple months ago that some bloggers don't read comments on their blog or that of anyone else! To me that is one of the wonders of blogging - the sharing that goes on around the world. In the beginning I thought I could respond to every comment, but find that that could become a full time job. So, periodically, I send a general thank you to all the comments I have received since the last time I said Thank You. Sometimes the information I receive back in the comments could be of interest to everyone - here are a few of those comments.
Diana Fiet sent this about the "Keep on Trucking" post of 12-12-09:
"About your truck photos. I know some first responders so I know where to look for info about what's aboard the truck with the rubber bladders of liquid.
The metal sign with the number on it identifies product as part of the group 3266 and the listing says it's 3266
Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. [possibly sodium or potassium hydroxide; Sodium Hypochlorite,]
and the emergency responder info page says this about it:
Amazing what is out there on the highways with us." I am continually amazed by the things I see on the road and am always thankful for an explanation.
Terry Grant sent this URL for info about the "Benson Bubblers" in Portland - I posted a picture on 12-10-09.
Now that she reminds me and I read the item some of the information comes back to me. Fifty years away has eroded my memory, but I do remember that they existed when I was growing up there in the 40s and 50s.
I have put all the photos from Turtle Bay in Redding on a Picasa album. If you want to look at them go to: You can enlarge by clicking on the small magnifying glass at the top right or by clicking on the "Full Screen" icon on the top left. This will allow you to read the captions on the old photos (from the 40s) that are posted around the interior of the structure.

For those who have asked, or wondered, my Aunt Dorothy died on Saturday, December 12. She was asleep and just didn't wake up - a good way to go, I think. Thank you for caring. Del
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Unknown said...

I love your blog, your adventures and all that you share with us, thank you for so often putting a smile on my face.

I am sorry for the loss of your Aunt Dorothy ... it was good that you traveled to Portland to see her recently.

Take care of yourself.

dee said...

I'm sorry about your Aunt Dorothy. At least it was a peaceful passing. Glad you got a chance to visit.

Susan Turney said...

Your aunt Dorothy went the way we all hope to go. I'm happy you took the time to see her before she passed on.
I check out your blog every day and so enjoy your posts!

Gerrie said...

Del - I am so happy that you got to spend time with your Aunt Dorothy before she passed. I am sure it has helped. My condolences.

Rayna said...

Glad you got to see Aunt Dorothy and yes, it was a good way to go. I've always said I want to go to sleep and wake up dead. Most of us are not that lucky, however.

On the comment thing -- I can't imagine not reading the comments on one's own blog or anybody else's. And it is a full time job to answer them all, but I try to answer as many as possible, as you do.

Terry Grant said...

I am glad your aunt's death was a peaceful one. And also glad you made the trip up here to see her. A nice gift to both of you to have that final time together.