Friday, January 7, 2011

"Friday Feet" and Thanks

Thank you for the kind and supportive comments on yesterday's Blog, either in the comments section or directly by e-mail.  I am trying to put those particular problems behind me - one more time! 

I recently browsed a Blog where the Blogger posted pictures of her feet in various places.  An intriguing idea - and I decided I would give it a try.  Perhaps not every week and the pictures will not necessarily be taken during that week.  You will have to tell me if this works and is interesting to you.  And, if you know whose Blog I was looking at I hope you will let me know. 

Look familiar?  Yes, potholes everywhere.  I am mystified that nobody can come up with a solution to potholes that keep returning year after year.  Such as this one and the one on the offramp when I exit the freeway to go Corky's house.  That one has been there for at least thirteen years.  Fixed and fixed and fixed again - year after year. 
This view is without feet.  You can tell this 3" deep pothole has been repair before.  I'm sure you have potholes in your neighborhood, some of them large enough to eat a car.  With the economy what it is we will not have any magical solutions any time soon. 
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Gerrie said...

Is it Lynn Krawczyk at

Unknown said...

Actually, I think you're thinking of Jamie Fingal. I don't know if Jamie started it, but she is very faithful about continuing it with her Doc Martins.

I love this shot. The limited color range and the great texture, just fabulous. Nice composition, Lady!

Lisa Quintana