Sunday, January 9, 2011

Family and a great quilt exhibit 01-08-11

I can't resist posting one more of those old pictures .  There I am front and center.  The lady is my mother Colleen and my curly-haired sister is standing in front of her.  I haven't a clue who the other children are.  There are two names written over their heads - Lee and Mary, not our family names.   I think Ellamarie and I are in our California dresses made by Aunt Vernice.

The Quilt Show posted images from the current exhibit of quilts from the Marbaum Collection of Hilary and Marvin Fletcher at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles.
The exhibit ends Jan30th - go to see it if you can. 
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Susan Turney said...

Jane, the cat, who had been sleeping on my desk sat right up when I turned on the slide show and watched the whole thing! I'm thinking maybe it was the music!!

Patty ♣ said...

Oh Del! You were a darling child!!! You had spunk even then! I do love seeing pictures of us when we were just beginning to become us...

I very much enjoyed the "Quilt Show"! Though I usually enjoy more Traditional quilts, I LOVED this! Thank You!!

Terry Grant said...

You look so cute in this picture! And I can see your face in that cute little face. Is that your house in the background? Can't see much of it, but it looks like one of my favorite styles of typical Portland houses, with that curved roof detail.

June said...

You always have been front and center, Del. Looking at old photos brings up such a mixed set of emotions -- hard to deal with at times, I know. But this is a good look at you, who were the person you are now, from the looks of it.

Martha Ginn said...

Del, what a loss for those nieces and nephews not to have had you in their lives. Your quilting friends have been a wonderful family to you, and you have given us much to enjoy from sharing your collection and your writings!
And THANKS for enlarging the type!