Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cars 07-09-12

My laptop is partially restored.  Carbonite is reloading my files.  I checked to see how long it would take...  how about three days!  THREE days!  I hope I correctly reset things so the laptop won't go to sleep in the middle of things.  I REALLY need a new computer guru - this is all too stressful for this old Broad!  Something that has not yet returned is the Picasa file and I am very worried that the pictures are lost forever.  Nothing to do but wait and see.   Here are a few pictures, instead of Monday Browsing.

Not a common sight, even in Orange County, CA!  One would more likely see a Lotus in Beverly Hills or some other affluent community.  This one has an old license plate, so maybe it is in a classic car collection, but I didn't think those were ever driven.

I was not familiar with this logo on a car parked next to mine.  Abarth, the scorpion?

No, it is one of the newer Fiat models.  When I see them on the road I think they look like some kind of Morris Mini - horrors!  If you look in the passenger side window you will see that this one has a guard dog. 

Cute little white dog with black around his left eye, but he was not happy to have me so close to his vehicle and I could only catch his right side.  I, of course, am a reflection. 
Send good thoughts for my laptop and for me!
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Sherrie Spangler said...

Sending good thoughts that your Picasa photos will return.

Loretta said...

I do hope your Picasa file is safe. I'm a bit naive when it comes to the relationship between computers and the web, in particular, Google. Because we save to Google's Picasa, why wouldn't your pictures be out on the web in Google's Picasa. Our own computers (I don't think) could hold all of our photos. Just hoping for you. I believe all will be well. Take care.

Cyndi said...

I asked my husband about Abarth, and he said Charlie Sheen drives one. Maybe that was his!