Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday Feet 07-13-12

Men's feet are just not that interesting, are they? 

These are my endodontist's feet.  I think he was so startled when I told him I was going to photograph his feet that he was just speechless.  He is a good dentist and seems like a nice guy, but once he spent my entire appointment telling his assistant that he yearned for corn chowder like his grandma used to make.  I sent him a few recipes, but I don't think he remembers.  I have always wondered what his grandma did different to her chowder.
These feet belong to a fellow who was checking in with the doctor's receptionist.  Not very different than a million other feet, but he does have nice legs.  I wondered if he shaves them.
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

LOL If all observed the world as you do, it would be a much better place! ;)