Friday, April 25, 2014

Summer seems to be here. 04-24-14

Across the country in open fields the tragopogons grow. Many people think they are just giant dandelions, but they are an entirely different plant.  The seed heads are 3" - 5" in diameter.  Also known as Salsify, the roots were eaten by natives and by pioneers.  And they are eaten today in places where they grow profusely. 
These pictures were taken in the area of Paducah, Kentucky, at the end of May 2013.



Dolores said...

The name of the plant is a tongue twister :)

Loretta said...

I love the fluffy seed heads...they glisten golden in the sunlight!

Rebecca said...

Salsify is such a funny word--it looks like an adjective. But it is easier to say than trago...!

I asked a friend in eastern Michigan if SPRING was there yet, and she was unsure. It had been up to 80, and then down to 30.