Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wild Flowers Blooming 02-28-16

Mary was at the hospital with Joe all day, so I decided to drive over to Pacific Grove again and see who I could see at the opening day at Empty Spools Seminars.  First I stopped at Back Porch Fabrics to view Melinda Bula's quilts hanging in the classroom.  WOW!  They are gorgeous.  Fused applique (lots of flowers), thread painting and dense quilting.  Very bright and cheerful.  Then I went on to Asilomar and ran into Sherry and Nancy and Gayle and Suzanne and Carolie and Sue and....!  Nancy's wonderful appliqued quilts are hanging in Merrill Hall as she is the Featured Artist this session.  Check out the tiny hand quilting.   It was just about time for the classes to start when I left to drive home.  The traffic was like any Sunday - lots of people returning from their weekend in Monterey/Pacific Grove/Carmel and 156 is packed, but it moved along slowly.  Just got to Mary's when the Oscar's started (I think) so we watched them off and on before and after dinner.  Those were some gowns - lots of bare skin and some of the outfits were not very flattering.  Oh well, it is fun to see all that glitz and glamour.
Although they have had more rain up here than where I live in SCalifornia, this is not going to be a bounteous Spring.  There were a few wild flowers in bloom.
There is oxalis, early harbinger of Spring.
This is some kind of mint. 
The wild flags were out in a small patch near Stuck-Ups.
Such a graceful classic shape.
The calla lilies are wild around this area.  They used to be planted, but now they have become so intrusive that many people pull them out with the weeds. 
 Of course, there is wild mustard along the roadsides and in fallow fields.
Some places it is so tall it blocks the view of the countryside.
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