Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another Ruth McDowell quilt 06-21-16

Here is another of Ruth's quilts from TCQC that is hanging at the Vermont Quilt Festival as part of an exhibit of a life time of Ruth's quilts.  She has, of course,  made hundreds of quilts (the last figure I heard was 400), so the 62 quilts in this exhibit are just a tasting.  If you plan to go to the Festival and want to hear Ruth's presentation you might want to get advance tickets.  I've heard that they already have 375 tickets sold.  The show is just this weekend.
See Ruth's current work at  www.ruthbmcdowell.com

"Amarylis" Ruth B. McDowell  2014  43"Wx39.5"L
Commercial cottons, hand-dyed cotton.  Machine pieced and quilted.
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Terry Aske Art Quilts said...

This is one of my favorites of Ruth's quilts. The flowers just glow against the dark background. Beautiful!

Jeanne Marklin said...

Del, following up on your SAQA list posting, I think the hand dyed border really make this quilt. The white spots look like light in the shade of a garden bed. Perfect for this piece!

Cindy Cooksey said...

It's a stunning quilt. She is a master at combining fabrics in unexpected ways.