Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Yes, I have a terrible cold. 07-24-19

I was hoping it was just allergies, but it is truly a cold with aching joints and a headache and all the rest of the stuff that comes with a cold.  I hope that others in the class don't catch it and go home sick.  They will hate me.   I did go to class today and it was a hard drag, but I learned a lot more about dye painting and techniques for "mark making".   Here are some pictures from today's class.  Sorry, no ID on anyone's work except mine.  There is nothing here I am proud of, but I did accomplish something.  Maybe overdyeing is in my future. 

From the top:  First piece - too detailed, 2nd piece - of course there would be trees, 3rd piece has way too much thickened dye which smeared all over, 4th piece was a clean off my palette, needs more over dyeing. 

Some students utilized their hot cars to "batch" the dye.  

This one was taped to the windshield! 

And there are clotheslines outside where the wind whips everything dry.

Three pieces of nice work from two different students.

This lady had some long pieces of cotton from trimming her fabric and came up with a great idea to use them.  

Sue Benner did a demo of how to do a 44" square piece with the help of an assistant.
These four images are of a student doing this with her assistant. 
Apply the dye  to the palette using any technique one chooses. 

With the help of an assistant stretch the fabric as taunt as possible and lay it on the surface. 

 Then use a brayer or the back of a Styrofoam plate to smooth and transfer the dye. 

Then with the assistant on one end and the student on the other lift the fabric straight up to avoid smearing.  Then it must be laid out on plastic sheets to dry.  I hope to try this tomorrow. 

I'm taking my pills and cough syrup and going to bed. 

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Carol said...

Oh so sorry you have a cold. Darn it! Hope it’s a quick one,

Nancy said...

What a bummer, you were so excited to take this class. Take care.