Saturday, November 23, 2019

More discoveries 11-23-19

You know when you have something to do that doesn't excite you very much so you find a zillion other things to do instead?  I do a lot of that in my life and blame it on old age.  Today I was looking for something in the garage and noticed a box sitting on a shelf, sort of behind other things. 

When I thought about it I remembered that it was part of a donation from a lady who was moving and had to downsize her fabric library.   The yardage and a bunch of other stuff went to philanthropy projects, but I saved the triangles so I could "whip up" a quilt to donate.  And I never did.  The fabrics come from the 90s when I was still trying to get my life in some sort of order after my husband died in 1990.

Today I laid out the triangles to see what I have, some piles are just one of a fabric and some are 18 -20.  Only a half dozen reds which are badly needed to cheer things up.  I went through my scraps, but all the reds are bright cherry or tomato.  So, I got out my oldest box of reds to find something from the 1990s, sort of cranberry, I guess. 
If you have been quilting for 30 years or so, you will recognize some of these fabrics.  Quite a few from Jenny Beyer and, from the feel, some from JoAnn.  No green or brown!

I'll cut some triangles from these to mix in with what I have and sit down to sew them together two by two.  Since I didn't pick any colors except the reds I wonder what it will look like sewn together.  Might have to do some sashing or something. Another WIP.  

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Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Finding lost forgotten things is like finding a treasure. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

Loretta said...

Yet another adventure in your life! You are too much! Love your enthusiasm for making quilts of triangles and I absolutely love your excitement for your newly gathered reds! Enjoy your new found project.