Since the Virus took over our world KoKo and I spend a lot more time together. He still sleeps about 70% of the day, or more, but is becoming accustomed to having me available to play or pet or walk just any old time. If some people thought he was spoiled before - look at him now!!
He brings toys when the mood strikes him, usually Froggy, but he has a large pile of toys to choose from. This is an 8" high hedgehog that he can barely pick up far enough to carry it to deposit it on my lap. He loses interest quickly. .
At any opportunity he will dig used tissues or napkins from the trash can. I usually have it sitting up on a chair or stool, but sometimes I forget and when I am not looking.....
In his chair taking a nap with Froggy. He sleeps on or under Froggy or curled up next to him, or sometimes clasps him between his front paws. They really are pals.
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1 comment:
On her live Instagram one day, Pokey Bolton was talking about how her three dogs scramble for the hedgehog toy, and someone watching knew just what she was talking about; her dog loves a hedgehog, too. Nothing can surpass Froggy, though!
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