Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday Treasures 05-14-20

Well, this isn't really a treasure, but it is something I have in the back of a closet somewhere.  They are left over from my first marriage which ended in 1969!   I have no idea why I still have them.  Packrat-itis? 

These are stretchers for drying trousers.  Insert one in each leg of the trousers and expand them with the little clips on top and bottom to flatten the legs with a crease down the front and back.  Let them dry, remove the stretchers, and there is a crease and no ironing required.  

I admire people who clean out their house every year, or even every other year.  But it doesn't seem to be something I can accomplish in any year.  I suppose the pandemic would have been a good time to start, but I haven't done it.  Seem to find lots of other more interesting things to do.  Or read a book!  
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Loretta said...

I have forgotten about stretchers.....they were a very important item in my youth, when everyone ironed their cloths smooth so they looked neat and tidy! Now a days, not so much! Enjoy your day. Take care and stay well.

abelian said...

My mother's voice is in my head, saying, "Isn't there some other use for those? It's a shame to just throw them away.. ." Dottie