Tuesday, May 12, 2020

ZOOMING 05-11-20

The Book Group I have belonged to for about 40 years had a meeting on ZOOM today.  It was fun to see everyone and hear what they have been reading.  We ran out of time before we got into what else we have been doing, but we plan to meet more frequently in the future.  Who could have known in 1978 or so how our world would be changed by electronic developments.  Meetings online might have been in someone's plans, but none of us even had a computer back then.  I don't usually remember my dreams, but one horrifying one that reoccurs is that everything electronic stops working - all over the world.  Fortunately, I wake up before all the dystopian disaster begins.

Anyway we were to read any book by Alexander McCall Smith and I read a small book of short stories "Chance Developments" which is about all of his writing I can handle.  He is a very popular author, just not one of mine!  

I'm still sewing LIttle Houses. Is anyone that reads this blog doing those?  Just curious.  
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abelian said...

Yes! I’m making houses, simpler than yours. I’m using a free pattern from Quiltmaker’s Bitty Blocks series, 3” square. But I changed the pattern slightly to add a quarter inch of height, to float the peaks of the roofs a bit. After about 20 houses, it needed something, so I’m making a few tree blocks, too. I was hoping to do one for each day at home, but I got a late start, and have been home over 60 days now, a daunting number. I have 30 houses and trees today. Dottie

Mary Ann said...

20 years ago they talked about working from home. It's finally happening. I got in at the very beginning of computers at work. Before they knew what to do with them. Once they figured out what the computer could do it really changed the world of advertising. We do zoom meetings for our critique group but I still prefer. the in person type of meeting. I think work meetings by computer would be fine. You could be doing productive things while co-workers nattered on about where they ate on Friday night. LOL.