Monday, November 23, 2020

Still healing, walking 11-23-20

KoKo needs his walks every day and it helps me get stronger, so we haven't missed a walk since he came home last Tuesday.  I need to use either the cane or the walker because I am pretty wobbly on my feet and sometimes need to sit down when there is not a low wall handy.  We haven't gone all the way around the loop, which would be a mile, bit I suppose we walk something like 2/3rd of a mile.  The weather has been on the cool side - sixties and low seventies with night time into the mid forties.  So, we do see some autumn color, but the temp hasn't gotten down far enough to have the cold snap that causes riotous leaves.  This is the liquidamber/sweet gum in my neighbor's yard.  The previous owners trimmed it just before they moved and for some unimaginable reason cut the top of it off.  It should have a pear shape - narrower at the top.  Sad.  Anyway, I love the star shaped leaves.  They don't hold a candle to those where some of you live, but we take what we can get!!

The moon is visible at the top of the picture.  

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Happy to see you and KoKo walking about in this lovely crisp cool air.
Have yourself a wonderful week. Take care and continue healing.