Wednesday, May 12, 2021

KoKo, again. 05-12-21

Here is KoKo showing off his light side.  Since the hair on his back is black most people think of him as a black dog.  But he is mostly tan.  

He likes to lay between my legs, but I put his little quilt between us so his toenails don't dig into my legs.  If I don't have the quilt (seen at upper right) on, he will wait for me to arrange it for him.  Such a considerate guy. 
When he assumes this position between my body and the arm of the chair he is saying he wants a belly rub.   Several times a day - I just sit down and he is ready. 

But, more often than not, he is in his cuddly bed with Froggy.   You can see some of Froggy's surgical scars.   And that poor limb that was almost torn off.  Froggy is a trooper, always ready to be mauled and repaired. 

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Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

So sweet. Koko is a cutie!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Koko is just so darn cute! What a wonderful companion for you.

Martha Ginn said...

Del, Koko sounds like my cats--wait for me to smooth the cover over my lap so they can "make biscuits" (do that pinching thing) before settling down for a nap and brushing or petting. Our pets make sure we get enough chair time, don't they? Love them!