Saturday, February 5, 2022

A visit to a park 02-05-22

It was a perfectly gorgeous day - blue sky, no wind, 76F.  Too nice to stay inside.  Recently a neighbor was telling me about flying his model airplanes at Irvine Regional Park on La Palma Ave.  The park is long and narrow and is bounded on the south side by a biking trail, the Santa Ana River, and the 91 Fwy.  To the north is all residential in Anaheim. The park was established in 1897, but It has been greatly modernized since then!  However, the large sycamore trees could easily be more than a 100 years old, as could some of the other trees.  Today we took our first visit and plan to visit again.  

We  did not get out of the car, but KoKo stood in my lap and hung out of the window.  I think he was amazed at all the people, dogs, and ducks/geese.

This group of at least seven families came in separate cars and unloaded everything one could possible want on a picnic in the park - babies, chairs, coolers, food, games, blankets, a lovely lab who walked freely dragging his leash.  

They looked like they were settling into a spot they had used previously and everyone pitched in to get everything set up. 

There are many of these covered "pavilions" and all were occupied, it was a Saturday after all.  And some were celebrating something with balloons and games and even a bounce house set up next to the pavilion.  

There is quite a good sized lake... 

..with flotillas of ducks, white pelicans and...

...rented swan boats.  I couldn't tell how they were propelled, but I could see that everyone was wearing a vest.  And noticed at the checkout place that vests were hanging on racks, I suppose to be rented, but maybe they come with the boats. Notice the gnarled old tree on the right.   

The swans were all carrying a good load of people. 

 This little girl in yellow was so dramatic.  Two ladies nearby were watching her and two smaller children, who were having fun on the play equipment.  I think lady-in-yellow was just off in her own fantasy world and not in distress.  I have always been inclined to go off on my own, so I sympathized with her.  KoKo just stared and followed her rambling.  Guess we both enjoy people watching!

On the way home we stopped at a Starbuck's for a latte and a lunch sandwich.  And when we were home we had to have a little nap due to the excitement of the day. 

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Loretta said...

Sounds just perfect. The park sound like a wonder spot to relax, read, or just to contemplate the bark!

Mary Ann said...

Sounds like fun. Enjoy the warmth for us. Up to 32°F today! Woohoo!