Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Construction 08-29-23

There is construction in the park behind us and several new roofs being installed around the area. It is about time for a new roof on this house, so I have been paying  attention to the different roofing projects  and  think I will  go with  Brea Roofing - depending  on the  estimates.   This is one of their projects a couple streets to the west. 

The first step is taking off the old roof. Under the asphalt shingles are on bare 1X4 slats.  The house is 55 - 60 years old, so this can't be the original roof. However, for at least 40 years the standard for new or replacements is to put 1/2" plywood down under any shingles.  There were ten guys in pairs on the roof working at scraping off the shingles and throwing them in the truck backed up in the driveway.  Scraping, putting the debris on canvas tarps, carrying them to the truck location, and dumping them. One guy in the truck bed stomping them down to compact  them. 

The next day they had all the old shingles off and the stacks of plywood (with red edges) lifted onto the roof.

Two white stakes on each plywood pile keeps them from sliding.

You can see the slates that open into the attic.  They have to plan the plywood layout to go around vents, etc. 

The next morning they had a truck with a belt on a long sort of crane.  The bundles of shingles were loaded by a guy in the bed of the truck and lifted up to a guy on the roof  You can see that almost all the plywood has been laid  and nailed along with some metal flashings for the chimney and various vents.

This guy lifts each  bundle of shingles onto his shoulder and hustles up to a pile on the roof top.  Then  he hustles back before the next bundle comes up.  He was working very hard.  

The final day they are putting on the penultimate shingles before the roof cap .
The trailer is in place for all the scraps and wrappings.  I wonder how many trucks and trailers of trash they took to the dump for this one roof replacement. 

This morning all was quiet with the roof finished and all the debris removed.  It took them about six days.  The crew was well coordinated and worked well together.   KoKo and I sat on a wall across the street to watch and take pictures.  

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