Saturday, December 30, 2023

It is a KoKo day 12-30-23


KoKo's "This is serious" face.

Sacked out in his computer room bed.

Froggy is trapped in the recliner again.  The white lump by KoKo's eye is Froggy's foot.

Sometimes he will get out another toy, this one is Snake.

I am trying to repair Froggy, he needs major surgery, including a new back. 
But KoKo won't let go of Froggy! Guess he will spend tomorrow in the bathroom while I work. 

Asleep with a protective arm around his best friend. KoKo's head is on lower right with his left arm over Froggy. 

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abelian said...

Oh, Del! I love these photos! You have done an amazing thing, keeping Froggy going all this time. Hope the back-replacement surgery goes well, the patient lives on, and worried KoKo is soon happy again. Dottie

Sherrie Spangler said...

Happy New Year, Del, KoKo and Froggy!!!

Franki Kohler said...

Happy new year Del and KoKo! They know what they love, don't they!? Cooper got a new toy for Christmas and it was an amputee by the end of the day. Still, he loves his little lamb which we have taken to calling Lambchop because it looks just like Shari Lewis's puppet. Remember her?

Del, I'm following you but don't receive your posts when you publish.