Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Sunday in February 02-09-25


Here we are 1268 Warren Street, Placentia, CA  92870
It was a lovely day,  about 70F with lots of whipped clouds high in a very blue sky.  Our house is basically a one story with an attic in the tallest part.   Several in the neighborhood have built out the attic into a couple more bedrooms. If I won the lottery, which I have never played, I would do that also.  I have  enough  treasures  in the  one story to fill another - fabric, of  course!   

KoKo took me for a walk about noon, the  first I have done for almost a week.   We managed a bit more than 900 steps, not much  compared to  our usual  5000+, but it did feel great to be out in the sun.

Computer is refusing to access photo files.  But it is Sunday! So, here is one of my quilts from the month before the pandemic. I was going out to Lake Havasu, AZ, then, hauling my quiltmaking along.

"Desert Dawn"   Del Thomas - CA   2020  48"L X 28"W
Cotton fabrics. Machine pieced, fused. machine quilted.

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Mary Ann said...

Great to see you back and creating again. Glad you have rain, In Northern Ohio we have everything! Rain, wind, snow, sleet and icy sidewalks! So much fun but lots of time to straighten cupboards and get lots of stitching in. Welcome back.
Now if my blog would let me enter photos I would join you. Stupid old computer LOL. It couldn't be the owner.

Sherrie Spangler said...

I'm glad you and KoKo can get out in the sun! Your house looks so pretty.