Saturday, February 8, 2025

Looking back one year. Feb 8, 2025

Last year this week I was in San Diego taking a dye painting class with Pat Pauly.   What a rood experience that was.  I shared an  AirB&B with Pat, only a few blocks from the spacious two room classroom.  There were  some amazing artists in  the group  - some experience, but mostly, like me, very much beginners.  Pat is a great teacher and  keeps things moving along.   We pressed, stroked, rubbed, stamped, rubbered, stenciled, painted...... well, anything one can to with thickened dye on fabric.  Messy, but amazingly freeing to the creative spirit.   I haven't kept track of who made most  of these pieces, but each student created to their own tune.

All the pieces are in their faw state: unrinsed, washed, or pressed. 

Using a piece of truck tire tread picked up on I-5.

Some students see things more realistic. 

We also dined out - very well.

Now, a year later, I am recovering from the RSV and coughing much less.  Hope to feel well enough tomorrow to maybe walk around the  cul de sac with KoKo.  

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