Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Food February 8, 2025


Served in the Indian style - chicken,  cold fruit/veggies, cut plantains, rice w/peas & carrots.

Thick veggie stew, pan-fried white potatoes, skinny green beans with onions and ?.

Since I started occasionally driving two neighbor boys to school, their mother, Mariam,  sometimes offers me meals when she cooks plenty.  I never say no!
 She grew up in southern India and is an excellent cook.  I don't always know what I am eating and sometimes have to add some plain yogurt to tame the spice, but it is all delicious.   This past week she has sent over three evening meals, usually enough to  have some "plan-overs" for lunch the next day. I do have food in the house, but low energy and coughing make real cooking more than I can handle. 

It is so special to have wonderful friends and neighbors who will help out.  I enjoy living alone and get along nicely in daily life, however, there are times that I need support and am reassured that help is available. 

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1 comment:

Sherrie Spangler said...

What a wonderful neighbor! I love Indian food -- I can almost smell the fragrance through your photos.