Monday, February 3, 2025

I hope to be back for good, but no promises! 02-03-25

It is after midnight and I have an early morning to take the boys to school, leaving here at 6:45am!  But I am feeling guilty for not starting my blog up again, as promised. I am suffering from RSV respiratory syncytial virus}, probably because I didn't ever get the  vaccine. get the vaccine, this is not something you want to  experience.

I will restart with a quilt, since it is Sunday.

"Grid Interrupted"  Paula Kovarik  - Tennessee. 2024.  57" sq

When Paula is not pleased with a finished quilt, or if it doesn't sell, she cuts it up and sews the little  pieces into another arrangement. The pieces here are straight stitched or zigzagged together, so there are holes all around.  Lots of intricate quilting of shapes, doodling, motifs, all holding it together. 

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abelian said...

Good to see this post, Del! I hope you’ll be feeling better soon. Dottie

Kathleen Fields said...

So glad you're back. But do take care of yourself with plenty of rest.