Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Surfside Quilters Guild, a beginning 04-14-09

Today was the first Board Meeting of a new guild - Surfside Quilters Guild is a daytime guild that will meet in San Clemente, CA. It has been a long time in the planning with lots of ups and downs, but some people were determined and had faith that a new guild is needed.

Nancy Ota, the founding President, has made it work. She has also made a fund raising contribution with some of the sales of her newest pattern, "Hang In There, Kitty", going to the guild along the income from a guild workshop she will be teaching on the pattern. The stands, made and contributed by a member, will also bring profits to the guild.

It takes a lot of bodies and a lot of effort to make a guild work. Here are a few of those who will volunteer their time as officers and committee chairs during the inaugural year.
And a few more new Board members hard at work.
I know you will wish us well and we hope you will come to visit and perhaps become a member. This will be only the second daytime guild in Orange County, CA., where there are five guilds that meet in the evening.
More music for your enjoyment:
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Karen said...

That video wa a great way to start my day! Thanks Del.

Loretta said...

Del, Thank you so very much for introducing us to Susan Boyle. A special treat to begin my day. Congratulations to the new quilt guild. To have a daytime meeting group is the ultimate quilter's luxury!