Friday, August 14, 2009

Quilt artists interviewed on Blog 08-13-09

I spent the evening with the Poodle Prince in Long Beach and took him on his second walk in about three weeks. He went to the groomer yesterday and his mom took him for the first walk. He just trotted along, tail up, ears alert, just like a puppy! The groomer did an excellent job and clipped him a little shorter because of the heat (which is sure to come, after all, this is August!). Acupuncture will be only every other week and the shots will be weekly.
I don't know how I discovered this blog: probably by surfing blogs linked to blogs linked to..... There are interviews with a half dozen different quilt artists which I found very interesting. You might also. One of the interviewees is one of my favorite teachers and artists, Rayna Gillman. Great pictures of the work of each artists. Check it out.
There are two interviews in back issues of the Quilt University newsletter - one with Pamela Allen and one with Judy Martin. Both worth reading. Check them out!
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Loretta said...
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June said...

Oh, glad to hear Poodle Prince is trotting along like a puppy. Maybe I should go to his vet and acupuncturist. I could use a bit of puppydom, myself :-)

Sheila Barnes and I are challenging each other with our differing media and art, and I'm getting ready to expose my efforts. So I'd better do some work so the exposure isn't so, ummm, dreadful.

Rayna said...

Thanks, Del. That blog is one of my favorites. And I'll check out the QU newsletter, too. Glad the Princeis feeling better. Acupuncture for dogs - will wonders never cease?