Thursday, August 13, 2009

Surfside Quilters Guild 08-12-09

Surfside Quilters Guild is the recently formed daytime guild that meets in San Clemente, CA., on the 2nd Tuesday morning of each month. Some of you are far away, but I want to do a little PR here in case you know someone who lives in south Orange County or north San Diego County. I live in neither, but I knew how much they needed a daytime guild down there and contributed what I could to get it started. NOW Iam doing the newsletter, which I am really enjoying except for having to learn Microsoft Publisher (or any other publishing program); each month will be easier, I know. Meanwhile (despite the hour drive) I have greatly enjoyed the meetings and making new quilting friends. There are now 219 members, so it is still one of the smallest (if not the smallest) guild in the area. There are a LOT of quilters in SCalifornia!!
This month's speaker was Suzanne Stanton of Ramona, CA. Suzanne taught quilt making for south county adult ed for at least a dozen years before moving further south. This meeting was somewhat of a reunion with her former students and they brought completed quilts they had started and/or completed in her classes. One of her star students is Candy Martin, who Suzanne acknowledged as being one student from whom she learned as much as she taught.
This is Candy's wonderful applique quilt (1990) , one of my favorites. I am sad that the pictures are not better, but they were taken whilst the quilts were being held up for Show & Tell. Along with the hand applique and hand quilting, Candy has appliqued her family in the center. She does beautiful handwork. The stage lights cast shadows from the people on the stage and there is no way to correct that. The quilt is white.... is the antique embroidered piece that is on the back.

Candy also showed a recent quilt she has completed. The pattern is "Rolling Waves" from a McCall's Quick Quilt Magazine. She said, "Scrapping it made it not quite so quick!" It was quilted by Lillian Gordon on a long-arm machine utilizing a seashell pattern. The quilt will go to Candy's grandson who loves to surf.
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1 comment:

Meggie said...

Beautiful quilts, both of them. How sweet Candy looks.