Monday, June 14, 2010

Yuccas in bloom along I-5 06-14-10

The yuccas are still blooming along the Ridge Route - they start blooming at lower altitudes and work their way up as the weather warms. I don't know which variety these are - there are 49 species and 24 subspecies in the USA.
There are many common names - Spanish Dagger, Candles of the Lord, etc.
The flower stalk comes up from the middle of the whorl of sharp, narrow leaves and can grow up to ten feet in some climate zones. They are very hardy, enduring temperatures from blazing desert to freezing snow storms.
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1 comment:

dee said...

They are really hardy. A neighbor of mine has a bunch of them blooming right now.
Love that quilt in yesterdays entry. So adorable and the details are wonderful.