Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween excess 10-30-11

These pictures are taken of the first house going into Corky's development and they don't do Halloween excess exclusively - they do every holiday to excess.  They must have a storage unit somewhere because the first thing one notices about these houses is that they have very little storage.  But every holiday out come these inflated things right on the corner. 
Here the bubbling pot and the gnome are permanent fixtures.  Some people go in for lawn decorations and some don't.  I'm on the "don't" side.

Quite a rig, eh?  I do like the pumpkin stem, but what a pitiful horse!

OOPS!  One flat tire and the horse is going to keel over.

Just after sunset, so the sky is still light.  So is the pumpkin carriage with its load of skulls.  I suppose kids love this sort of thing, but there are few in this upscale neighborhood.  Of course, on Halloween night there are carloads who come just for the treats.  Corky will wear his bat wings and distribute tooth brushes, which the kids seem to like. 
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Christine Thresh said...

Corky with his bat wings -- I'd love to see that.
Tooth brushes are such a clever treat idea.

Meggie said...

I would love to see Corky in his bat wings too! I agree with Christine about the toothbrushes. We don't really observe Halloween over here, but the retail market is doing it's very best to try to stir it into a frenzy- both sweets and ugly costumes.!
The pitiful horse made me laugh.