Thursday, January 17, 2013

It is windy, or what?

I've always heard it said that people who don't have anything to talk about just talk about the weather all the time.  Personally, I am always interested in the weather - here, there, anywhere.  I suppose there is wind everywhere at some time, but some winds have names - they must be important, right?

Here in the Los Angeles basin we sometimes have Santana Santa Ana winds that blow toward the ocean - toward the southeast.  Depending on the time of year they can be hot or cold, they fan the flames of brush and forest fires and are the cause of much sniffing, coughing and aching sinuses.   These winds have been blowing for several days; fortunately, no fires, but lots of dry eyes and skin and the aforementioned problems.  Today the wind still blows, but the temperature moved up from daytime highs in the fifties to mid-seventies.  I always say I would rather have it be too cold then too hot - I can always put on more clothes.  However, the low 70s are my ideal and I am going to enjoy the next week while my bones thaw out a bit.

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Dolores said...

I've experienced the Santana winds and they're not fun!! But low 70's is perfect - above 80 and it's too hot, below 65 it's too cold. I'm a queen you see!!!!! :)

Quiltedtime said...

The first time I ever encountered the Santa Ana winds was when I was going to college in Thousand Oaks, CA. I seem to recall the winds almost having a sickeningly sweet smell, not at all pleasant on the sinuses.

Sherrie Spangler said...

I'm a weather junkie, so thanks for the update on your weather. I'm heading to L.A. on Sunday and can't wait to feel that heat!