Saturday, January 19, 2013

Out for Lunch - Haven 01-19-13

When I go to the doctor I frequently reward myself by going out to breakfast - I always go fasting so if she wants blood tests I am ready to bleed "pure".   That way I don't have to make another trip on another day.   But yesterday I had two tests and it took so long that it was lunch time, so I went to lunch at Haven Gastropub in downtown Orange.  I've been thinking about it for weeks and have driven by several times - Kimmie's is right next door. 

Anytime I even think of Haven's lamb burger I salivate. When I go there I can't think of anything else but the deliciousness of eating such a treat. I always read the menu, they have some interesting items, and think I should try something different, but being so close to a lamb burger overwhelms me and that is what I order. I usually manage to sit at the same small table behind the hostess desk next to a window looking out on the comings and goings on the walkway between stores. Always a good place to people watch. 
The pomme frits are crisp and peppery and the "catsup" is made at the restaurant.  I managed to finish the burger, but brought most of the pommes home to eat for dinner last night.  After I had such a huge lunch I just needed a snack for dinner.
There is another Haven in old Pasadena, can't find any others on Google.  
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Patty ♣ said...

If I liked lamb this would definitely be on my list! It looks delicious Del. I am glad you treated yourself!!
We try to reheat good fries, never reheat well enough for us. Hope that all the results from the doc visit are good ones!

Terry Grant said...

That really looks very good, even though I do not like lamb! A beef version, perhaps? The frits look amazing.