Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Interpretations" exhibit opening at Visions Art Museum 10-17-15

I am in San Diego at HIE again!   I drove down (2 1/2 hours)  for the opening reception for the "Interpretations" exhibit which opened  today.  This is an International juried exhibit with 32 quilts selected by an international jury - Noriko Endo of Japan, Dena Dale Crain of Africa and Alicia Merrett of UK.  They made wonderful selections and the Visions installation crew did a great job hanging the quilts to enhance our viewing pleasure.  The exhibit runs through January 3, 2016, and I hope you can all get to San Diego to see it "in the fabric".  There is a beautiful catalog available for $3 plus postage.  Check with the Visions staff.
This is the cover of the catalog showing Betty Busby's "Mycology".
The light spot in the upper left is a reflection from the lamp in my motel room. 
I tried a flash but it was even worse.  

The back of the catalog shows Marianne Burr's "Eleven 3 Thirteen".
Again there is the reflection from the lamp in the upper left corner.
After the reception I was fortunate to go out to Ikiru for a late dinner with Linda Colsh and Kathleen Probst.  We all had something different that has been pictured in this blog previously. Except Linda's selection of California Roll - it has never looked so good!  And  it was delicious.

Linda Colsh is giving a presentation tomorrow morning and I will attend that before heading home.  Perhaps lunch first ... at Ikiru?
The exhibits missing from Palm Springs were also missing at PIQF.  I understand the shipper was UPS!   Hope they locate the palette/shipping container soon.  Everyone would rather have their quilt than insurance money.
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