Sunday, August 28, 2016

Road Trip Maine General Views 08-27-16

This must be a good class because everyone works hard all day, very quietly, and we are all exhausted by 7pm when dinner is over.  I have been working on the newsletter from 7:30pm to 10pm and need to get to bed.  So, here are some general views taken over the last few days in Maine.

Maine is the "Granite State" which is certainly apparent here in Acadia Nat'l Park.  Even the street curbs are lengths of granite.

A view from the road out to the Schoodic point - a dead end road. The "beaches" are all rocks, no sand.

There are a few wild flowers, but the most common is goldenrod.

We went back to Corea for another lobster roll, after all they are supposed to be the very best in all of Maine.  I put my hand in so you can see the size.  Not very large for $14.95, but I think they are worth it.  Delicious.

On the left is the door to our studio.  One problem is getting the paint to dry, especially if we put it on with a heavy hand.  One solution is to duct tape the fabric to the outside of the building.

Or we can put it on the grass and weigh down the corners with stones. Some students brought hair dryers to speed the process along.
Some of the students in this class are very accomplished.

But they mostly don't want their names shown in my blog.  So, I won't identify anyone's work but my own.  We start with either light weight canvas which is beige or Trigger cloth which is black.  We can use transparent or opaque types of thickener, but use the same paint colors in either.  The opaque goes on white and then we paint over it with color, which we can color by going over it with the transparent paints. .

I was at Schoodic Point to see the sunset, but the clouds had their own idea.
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sonja said...

Sunsets are one of our rituals.At the end of the work day, a time to slow down and if there are clouds, like tonit here, we watch for the after glow sky and peeping stars! Am enjoying your class and road trip prior.This is a great read for those of us that are staying closer to home, perhaps recalling road trips and classes and the joy of learning and new and renewed friends recalled!!

Carol said...

Love the photos, and your descriptions. Beautiful setting!

Loretta said...

Oh my, oh my, what a beautiful place! Just added it's to my bucket list! The class's work is beautiful and exciting. Yes, very talented students. See you tomorrow.