Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Road Trip Maine - Gorgeous day 08-29-16

I could not get my laptop to do much of anything last evening.  SLLLOOOOWWWW!  And finally had to give up and go to bed.  I think I need a whole day in bed, I am so tired by the end of the day.  Tonight is a lobster "bake", or whatever the name is here, and we will eat in an outside pavilion with a fire in the firepit and probably lots of mosquitoes looking for some blood.  Erg. 

I did do the pictures last evening, but there aren't very many.  Mostly I have just been working in class.
This is the only tree that I have seen in color here.

 I don't know if it is a native tree, but the leaves look a little like sycamore.

I am mystified by these half fallen trees.  I've seen them in a number of places and wonder if it could be caused by the wind.  There are no larger trees that could have pushed them down as they fell.

Here is another picture.

 I stopped at my favorite cell phone spot (few and far between) to make a call and saw that the sun was setting.
So, I drove over to Scoodic Point to get a better look.  The sunset is mostly behind this hill.

Then I saw this cruise ship coming out of Bar Harbor.  This is with a telephoto.

Here it is at normal focus.  Headed out to the North Atlantic.
Lunch with Gwen Hendrix, John Cardin, Shira Singer, Elizabeth Busch.

Lunch with Shandra Belknap, Gwen Hendrix and John Cardin.

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