Sunday, March 15, 2020

A bad case of isolationitis

Although I went out to dinner with friends this evening and greatly enjoyed the company, I am not dealing well with this isolation.   I understand why it is necessary and I will do my best to stick with it.  But the "black dog" is lurking very close. I was out this morning early for a few groceries to carry me over the next couple weeks.  And that was depressing with the empty shelves and forlorn looking shoppers.  My friend Mary was at her local neighborhood market when a lady, another shopper, told her she shouldn't be there and she should go home!  Needless to say Mary is still fuming.  How unbelievably rude!   I think I would have read her the riot act, but Mary controlled her anger.  On the other hand, my Next Door feed has people offering to help with child care, shopping, and other helpful acts.  I hope I don't need any help and do not get sick, but I know there are people who are willing to help.  And that is reassuring.  I hope this isn't too much of a downer for you, just consider the source!!  Suffering from isolationitis.   I'll try sewing tomorrow!

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Loretta said...

Well, sorry you are so alone! I am quite used to it and actually, love it! No responsibilities to others...that's me! I have finally, after probably 3 years, set up my Smart TV to see a movie or two in the evening. Amazon Prime has a number of movies I'd like to see and, if you're a prime member, they are free to watch. Saves on popcorn purchasing, gas to the theatre and I can do it in my pjs, if I choose! What can be not right with that arrangement? Del, chat on email if you'd like....I'll catch up with you a few times during the day. In the meantime, here is the address of the Cornell Lab bird cams. New little ones just hatched and hatching. and hawks, petrels, owls, ospreys soon to be refurbishing their nests readying for the next generation. I do hope you enjoy watching. Del, take care, stay home, please don't come down with this virus if you can at all prevent it. This is nasty! Chat later, Fondly, Loretta

Sherrie Spangler said...

I'm with you, Del. I'm used to being with friends almost every day for yoga class, coffee, walks, restaurants, sewing. This isolation is very hard. Fortunately I have a ton of packing to do for my move, so that's keeping me busy. But I'm craving human face-to-face interaction.