Monday, January 1, 2024

First Day of 2024 01-01-24

It has been a rather strange day-verrrry quiet!  When we walked this morning we saw nobody and no cars drove through our neighborhood.  Even this evening about 4:30p when we did our  evening walk we only saw three other people.  Fortunately one was willing to give KoKo some loving.  He expects it, you know!  Not many planes, which is eerie because we live under the flight paths of John Wayne/Orange County airport and the small Fullerton General Aviation Airport.  And we didn't have many fireworks  last evening either.   An unusually quiet New Years.   Somehow people did take down their Xmas decorations but a few are still up.  Like this one.

This is my favorite decorated tree.   It is an olive and the owners keep it nicely trimmed.  The lights wrapped around the trunk and branches go way up inside the leafy part and make the light spots in the dark crown. It  is like broccoli with lights inside.. The wrapped lights are red and white but the red doesn't show in a picture taken in the dark.

Meanwhile, behind our house the contractors are still renovating our little park. The two trees in the foreground have been in for a few years and the large ones in the background are located in the gated community beyond the slump stone wall.
A few small trees have been planted and they have added the lighter area in the middle of the cement ring. I don't know what the light stuff is, but it looks like sawdust.   The two structures that look like an elephant and a pile of dung, we  guess are for climbing on. Hopefully everyone who climbs will have to sign a  waiver in case  they fall.  Ha!  In the very foreground is the flood control channel with a gravel road in the bottom right corner used by the occasional trucks doing  an inspection.  I am told there is a zipline nearer the entrance to the park - guess the city must have fabulous liability insurance.  The park is unstaffed.  
An elephant without a trunk??

I had only three "to-do" items on my list today and didn't do even one.  Not very promising for the first day of a new year!!

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1 comment:

Franki Kohler said...

Gorgeous tree! I can see why it is your favorite.