Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Food 01-05-2024

I do like sweets, dessert of some kind at every meal.  I almost never make dessert at home, but try to find great dessert places to eat out. .Of course, there is always ice cream or gelato in the freezer.  And chocolate chips to help satisfy those terrible cravings for just a little bit of sweetness.  

Paris Baguette is rather new in our area and now there are two!  Fortunately neither is on my regular errands route, but sometimes I will go out of my way.

Cake is okay and some restaurants serve fabulous varieties.

And there is usually some kind of cheesecakes on the menu at fancier places/

Not many desserts at Japanese restaurants, but some serve green tea ice cream with chocolate drizzle.

Some really high priced places have homemade ice cream with delicate cookies. 

Anytime I see Marionberry pie on the menu, I will have a piece.
This is a whole pie which I would need to share with a couple other people.  

Creme Brulee always hits the spot.  

Chocolates are nice, even when they are not See's.  
I can savor one piece or just pig out, I was born a chocolate lover. 

But my great downfall is a cookie.  As part of my self invented diet I repeat
"One cookie is better than five", but I don't always listen to myself.
Orange and chocolate is a divine combination.

Homemade are best and there are always some on the refreshment table at guild meetings.

Like this rich chocolate with pecans. 

This bar cookie was soooo  good.  A crust with chocolate frosting  and  chopped  almonds. 

A trio of cookies for Christmas  -  chocolate chip, cranberry, and nuts with frosting. 

Of course, KoKo is also a cookie lover, although it is a very rare treat for him.

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Mary Ann said...

Del Fresh fruit is my go-to. Being diabetic I have to pick and choose. Sometimes you just need a piece of cake. I don't think anyone on their deathbed has wished for salad. Fruit and jello is nice. I think oatmeal cookies with raisin should be rated as "medicinal". Homemade of course.

Sherrie Spangler said...

We are sisters in sweets! I have always had a major sweet tooth and I just can't control myself. I always have chocolate chips in the cupboard for emergency fixes and I love to bake cookies, brownies, cakes, pies. I try to only do that when I have a group to take them to, but last night I made a pan of brownies just for me to celebrate my granddaughter's birth. I've already eaten a whole row! Your dessert photos are fabulous!

Loretta said...

Just about any cookie(s) is wonderful with a tall glass of cold milk (non-fat, of course)!

Rebecca said...

You certainly are showing some beautiful desserts here! I have a sweet tooth, too, and indulged it at Christmas. I need to not replace them!

Cookies are a favorite of mine, too. Many times at restaurants, I just want a cookie for dessert! Unlicely. I do need to avoid assortments, though...I tend to want "just one" of EACH.