Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Flowers 05-20-24

There are always flowers blooming somewhere along our walking paths, but most of the yards are rather evergreen with rather large bushes, some with blooms.  

The very common hibiscus,  some of which have blooms most of the year.  Loving yellow,  as I do, this one is my local favorite. 

Right nest to the yellow is this simple red-orange that doesn't bloom as profusely.

For indoor flowers nothing beats the waxed amaryllis bulbs.  This white on bloomed early in April and I loaned it to a neighbor to enjoy while I went to Empty Spools.  She returned it about a week ago and now it is blooming again.  I will plant it outside in the pot with the red ones. 

Bird of Paradise is a very common plant here.  Frequently seen in parking lots and inside and outside of malls.  They do have peak blooming periods, but there seem to by a few blooming anytime. 

They do come in different varieties.  Maybe this is a double...or a triple!

The Mexican Bird of Paradise will be blooming soon.  This photo was late May several years ago in Lake Havasu City.   Quite a different plant that just Bird of Paradise. 

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1 comment:

sonja said...

The flowers you and KOKO view on your walks are beautiful.
We have hibiscus, bird of paradise and the last photo we call "royal poinciana" in our yard. Oh my, that poinciana has some mean thorns
...i found out when trimming her back!