Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday Food 05-23-24

I am still working on losing weight.  About fifty pounds since sometime last fall.   The only "rules" are eating less of everything and eating one cookie instead of five!  I have always had a "sweet tooth" and while I was growing up dessert was always part of the meal. To force me to eat something I didn't like (liver comes to mind) mom would threaten to withhold dessert. Usually worked!    Here are some pictures I have taken of delicious offerings at many different restaurants.  

A sample plate at Summit House in Fullerton.  Four diners, I took the creme brulee.

An unusual offering at a casual lunch spot.  They were all perfect, just missing a glass of milk. 

Cheesecake is always a good choice - if nothing else looks better!

Below the luscious top is equally delicious cake. 

One or two fillings are raspberry.  M-m-m-m!

At home, especially in the summer, I enjoy lactose free vanilla ice cream with berries or melted chocolate chips.  

In the summer when my meal is a fruit salad I restrain myself and don't have dessert.  

Now I have made myself hungry.  Guess I'll have a few chocolate chips to take the sweet tooth edge off.      

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abelian said...

Good job on the weight loss! Those desserts ARE tempting. When my sister and I were small, we’d say that we didn’t have any more room for the main part of dinner. Our mother would say, “Then you don’t have room for dessert.” And our response was that we had more than one room in our tummies; the main room was full, but the dessert room was empty! Dottie

Sherrie Spangler said...

Wow, congrats on the weight loss! I have a major sweet tooth, which is the reason I haven't been able to lose the weight that I need to lose. Like you, I grew up with desserts being standard.