Friday, May 24, 2024

Quilts from the Past! 05-24-24

I was looking for a particular image from long ago and came across some photos of quilts I have made in the past.   Some I still have, but most have been sold or gifted to others.  Several were made specifically for Surfside Monthly Minis, but most were made just because I had the idea and wanted to make them.

This is a  group quilt with blocks made by friends of Judy House, who I met at Empty Spools/ Asilomar in the 1990s.  The blocks came from all over the USA and I was tasked to put them together.  I do not remember why we chose chickens as the theme, or why we didn't have a size restriction; like divisible by two inches.  So, the  blocks were every size and very difficult to put together.  One lady did the "Chicken/Egg strip in the top right corner, which I split to  make a corner, so I use her lettering to add a few more words.  And I made a few very small blocks and strips to fill in.  This was the first time I put together a quilt like this, it was very difficult, but I am extremely proud of the way it turned out. 

Judy submitted it to this quilt show and I was extra proud!
Judy died of cancer and the quilt was donated to a children's hospital in Virginia (I think).  

"Cactus Flower"  Del Thomas 2004
This quilt orginated in Ruth B. McDowell's class at Empty Spools.  I did the design in class, but selected the fabrics and sewed it together at home.  FMQ with my "original" flower design.  It is unique because I used puff paint to make the dots in the center - the  only time I have used paint on a quilt.  This picture was taken at Back Porch Fabrics in Pacific Grove when I had a one person exhibit there.   

"Jack" 2013  A Monthly Mini quilt
"Summer Garden" 2013  A Monthly Mini quilt
"Sunset Strip: South Pacific  2013

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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Wow! Love the Cactus Flower. The color is awesome!