Thursday, February 6, 2025

Lovely Rain Thursday, Feb 6, 2025

The most rain I have seen in almost a year - I hear it drumming on the metal patio cover.   So welcome here, if not too heavy to create mud slides in the burn areas.

I went to the new Primary doctor today, Lila Kim.  She listened well, asked good questons, gave me some assurance that I can survive RSV, and sent me home to  rest-in-bed, drink plenty of (especially warm/hot) liquids, take my meds accurately,....and I'll  be well soon - maybe 3-4 days!  Although she didn't phrase it this way she seems to think I am doing  okay for an old widow lady.  We did not spend much time on all my other issues, but they aren't going away and we can get into those later.

I have such caring friends and neighbors.  Anna and her daughter Barb walked KoKo twice and brought me an slice of pizza for an afternoon snack. The boys in the cul-de-sac brought dinner prepared by their mother, Mariam:  chicken, couscous, plantain, and a yummy side of hot, grated beets.  

Sick I may be, but blessed.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear you have been so unwell Del. Your new doctor sounds reassuring. Now it's up to you to follow her instructions. Caring friends and neighbours are a treasure. Take care. Gayle