Wednesday, February 5, 2025

My timing is terrible! Wednesday, 02-05-25


KoKo and Froggy napping on my outstretched legs.

When I wrote on Monday morning I was feeling lousy, but had high hopes of improvement.   Wrong.  I had visited the Urgent Care where they diagnosed BSV and I went back on Monday afternoon  when they said  go  to  ER because I needed more care. Stubborn, as always, I didn't.  So, yesterday noonish I asked my friend Dick to take me to ER. The coughing was so severe I couldn't catch my breath. Great spasms, chest rattles, not much  fluid coming out.  Why am I describing this disgusting state?   GET THE VACCINES!  I kept putting it off. Probably picked up a particle at Road to California. I did enjoy the quilts, but not what I bought for about $7: BSV, a prograok six  hours m, and two styluses to use to type long texts on  my phone.    Yesterday after six hours, all the tests, x-ray, inhalation therapy, shots, and suggestions from the ER doc that he admit me to the hospital, I came home and coughed all night. I only slept about two hours, but the  patients in the hospital slept, not having to listen to me all the night long. 
The cough is less sever and shorter, my nose  is dripping, I slept a few hours  during the day, my friend Dick picked up more meds, friend Anna  walked KoKo twice, and the Boys mother, Mariam, brought me chicken/rice/veggies for dinner.  I am a fortunate gal.   But at my advance!d this or turn it into pneumonia.  need to be still, not talk much, rest, drinking plenty  of fluids, etc...
I  must learn my lesson:  GET THE VACCINES 

Here is one I really enjoyed at the Road to California:


1 comment:

Sherrie Spangler said...

Oh no, I'm just catching up on blogs and I didn't know until now that you're sick. Please rest and enjoy your neighbors' help.