Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Bird Day 01-08-09

A corny title, I know, but it applies to this day. This morning early I heard a mourning dove calling - a first for the new year - and there was a house finch in my neighbor's TV antenna.

I stopped at Starbuck's lot to see if there were any white pelicans and there were! Along with a LOT of fishermen. There are 'native' (as much as anything is native to SCalifornia) fish, but this lake, like all others, is stocked periodically.

I need a MUCH better camera to photograph such long shots, but I think you can see a boat in the water in the background - just below the red truck. After watching for about a half hour I decided that the goal of the boat was to chase the pelicans. This is suppose to be a protected wildlife area (I presume fish are not wild life), or so the signs say. I drove around to the entrance to the lake (about where the clump of trees are on the right)....

and scared up a few guinea fowl inside the gate. I stopped at the entrance kiosk and asked the guy if he knew there was a boat chasing the pelicans. Yeah, sez he, they are catching the fish - they belong in the ocean. I replied that white pelicans are fresh water birds. And he poleaxed me with, " I don't care, this is private property and the pelicans are trespassing." And I drove away thinking about who to call to find out if there is actually a prohibition against pelican trespassing!
We did have a little earthquake in SCalifornia this evening. I felt it as just a little rocking, but the people in San Bernardino thought it was "The Big One", since they were right on top of the epicenter. But it was only 4.3 and there were no injuries and no major damage. Mostly items off of shelves.
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1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

Outrageous! Chasing off the palicans!
What is the name of this lake? Where can one get the particulars about the purpose of the lake?