Monday, January 10, 2011

A Visit With The Poodle Prince 01-10-11

Corky's parents were gone on Sunday morning so I paid a visit to the Prince.    Corky was a wild man - who knows why?  He would not stay still and kept demanding SOMETHING, however, I no idea what he wanted.  Finally, I took him for a walk, something he always enjoys and I can always use.   It was a gloomy day with some periods of sunshine and I had to wear a sweater when outside.  There was hardly a breath of wind so the water in the Bay was a mirror.

It was the right "cure" - we got back to the house about the time his parents returned and Corky was ready for a long nap. 

I'm so crazy about this little guy, I even enjoy watching him sleep.  I am amazed at how he goes from awake to sleeping so quickly; he hardly closed his eyes before he was dreaming of chasing after something.

But he keeps track of what is going on around him.  He isn't a cuddle dog.  He is loving and wants to be petted and massaged and he gives kisses willingly, but he doesn't want to cuddle with anyone except his mommy.   I won't see him for a few weeks, but then he will be at Camp Del for a weekend. 

My friend Patty sent this URL and I thought some of you might enjoy it also:
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