Friday, June 27, 2008

Organizing 06-26-08

Another organizing day. Liz came around 9am (with coffee from Starbucks!) and we worked hard until about 3pm. It is amazing how much more room there is when things are put in some sort of order. Today we worked on the massive fabric collection.

I have always been fond of baskets and use them to organize and to tote things around. I also fill them up with 'stuff' and then never get back to empty them and put things away. All of these baskets were emptied today - now I need a place just for the baskets!

Just look - there is a carpet on the floor! With all the stuff piled all over it was hard to tell. On the right are all my portable design boards - each with an unfinished project. I store my fabric in Sterilite 32gal plastic boxes - full of fabric they are just about all I can lift.

There is a different color in each box and the boxes against the wall have all been tidied and are filled to capacity. The smaller boxes on the right front have yet to be sorted. I use these boxes when I go to workshops. Unfortunately, when I get home I rarely find time to empty them until the next time I need an empty box to prepare for another workshop!

This is our sorting table in front of the fireplace. Stacked by color the fabrics are moved into the appropriate color box. Just look at that nice stack of lights on the upper right - like most quilters I have too few light fabrics in my 'Fabric Library'. I have separated out some lights for a special box in the hope that I can find a light when I need one.
Of course, I have not 'culled' much yet. We decided it was better to sort by color first, then I will go through and pull fabrics to be given away. Liz can't help me with that part! But she has a class tomorrow so perhaps I can do some culling... and empty a box or two. Unseen in these pictures are about twenty more boxes that need to be tidied and culled - enough fabric for two lifetimes! I am possessed by a surfeit of fabric.
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Christine Thresh said...

Oh, I thought you had a picture of my baskets! No, not mine, but they are so similar. I don't have a brown chair. I put mine in the storage shed for now.

Del said...

The brown chair is going to a garage sale! And I have two large boxes of baskets in the attic that I haven't opened in twenty years! They aren't expense ones and I think some of them will also go to the garage sale. I'd get a lot more done if I didn't have to sleep!

Patty ♣ said...

It will be fun to see the finished picture! Keep it up! You are making great progress!!!