Friday, July 30, 2010

Quilt Festival - Long Beach #10 07-30-10

Barbara Barrick McKie is an incredibly prolific quiltmaker who has developed her unique method of photography and thread painting into a fine art. She had eight quilts and some photographs on display at QFestival. I first saw her work at Quilt Visions and was fascinated trying to figure out how she had created that quilt. Since then I have seen and admired her work at shows, online and in magazines. She shares a website with her husband, a sculptor.

Barbara takes amazing photos, transfers them to fabric and thread paints them in a way that makes them so real I want to reach out and pet the animals.

Pretty amazing, huh? I have shown her work previously on this blog, check for her name on the right sidebar.
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1 comment:

Suzanne Kistler said...

Del, don't pet the lions.

The sea lions, maybe, but not the African lions. ;)

I think my nose was 1/2" from the quilt as I tried to figure out how she does it!!