Sunday, August 28, 2011

APWQ QShow Tacoma, WA 08-28-11

I stopped early today in Roseberg, OR.,  and took a two and a half hour nap!  I cannot seem to adjust to the energy depletion of traveling - don't know if it is my "maturity" or my physical impairments (sprained ankle, psoas muscle injury).  When I feel so completely wiped out, as I did today, I wonder if I should even be traveling.  But I miss it so much when I can't be "on the road" that I keep trying to make adjustments to be able to GO!  I must learn to not carry so much "stuff" with me.  After repacking before I left Mt Vernon I have much less to haul in and out of the motel room, so it is somewhat easier.  
After my long nap I got busy on the pictures from the Association of Pacific West Quilters QShow and decided to post "people" this evening.  
Here is my very patient friend Mabel who made it possible for me to be at the show - I wouldn't have done it without her!  I drove, but hadn't a clue where I was going.  With Mabel's preplanning and excellent navigation we were right on the mark, arriving at the Tacoma Convention Center just about when the show opened!  She also ran interference for me in my scooter.   Behind her are two of the quilts from "Living Color", the traveling exhibit of quilts to be auctioned to benefit future APWQ efforts.  On the left is Judy Robertson's "At Peace" - Judy is the well-known Burlington, WA, dyer who vends at shows all over the West.  She and Mabel are friends.   On the right is "Equinox" by Charlie Petersen of Port Townsend, WA.

This picture seems to be the personification of "couch potato", don't you think - potato color and all?  I may have it enlarged and stick it on the front of my refrigerator!  At any rate, here I am in the scooter, complete with an orange warning flag.  There is a button on the "dashboard" that sounds a "horn", but quilt shows are somewhat noisy and I doubt anyone could hear it but me (or should that be "I"?).  These two quilts are also from the "Living Color"
exhibit. The banquet was canceled due to low signups, so the quilts were not auctioned.  An online auction is being planned - I will post information when it becomes available.  The quilts are "Nature's Lace" by Lisa Jenni of Sammamish,WA and "Confetti" by Melody Crust - Kent, WA.

John Flynn was a vendor with this colorful booth - he turned just as I took the picture. 

When we first went into the Special Exhibits area Mabel went off to find catalogs (how thankful I am to have it when I am labeling pictures - it is a good catalog).  And I looked a little more closely than I usually do at the garments displayed. 

This stunning wool coat is only part of her blue ribbon winning entry.

Later Mabel and I were walking (rolling?) past when someone was interviewing Lorraine (on the right) and I snapped a few pictures.  Sorry, I don't know the interviewer's name. She is Sharon Pedarson who appears on "The Quilt Show".  Thanks, Sally Morris, for this info

This is Lorraine with the "underneath" part of her ensemble..  and her blue ribbon

I admired this Sashiko jacket which has wonderfully balanced stitching designs - geometric and naturalistic shapes that complement each other.  At first I thought it was hung crooked, but realized it is meant to have a asymmetrical hem. 

The back is equally well done.

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1 comment:

Sally Morris said...

I so enjoy your travel reports. We leave tomorrow for a CA to Colorado Springs driving trip, then down to Taos and Santa Fe, Las Vegas, El Segundo, and back home to northern CA. Dread the two ten hour days, but I think of you and will make it. (You and I are the same age). The inter-viewer is Sharon Pedarson who does quilt show interviews for Alex and Ricky's The Quilt Show. She does a good job. Thanks again. Love your pictures. Sally